I❤️Presets 2003.11.20

Rob dug up an oldie! This is Rob Ray, Jason Soliday, and Jon Satrom making realtime A/V noise at HottiBiscotti on the NorthWestSide of Chicago in 2003…


I love the additional DV artifacts on the right-hand side of the video. Magnetic media just gets better with age…

At 4:05 I can hear my friend James say to someone: “Oh, no… Their computer is broken, they’re not playing this.” – Ha!





Start copying what you love. Copying, copying, copying. And at the end of the copy, you will find yourself.[1] Copying has always been the key to cultural production. More recently the interdependence of our creativity has been obscured by powerful cultural ideas, but technology is now exposing this connectedness. Today we’re struggling legally, ethically && artistically to deal with these implications [2]. Ripping in ripZipRARLANd frames piracy as a cultural prerogative. [3] It’s understood that piracy’s preserving effect, while little known, is actually nothing new. Through the centuries, the tablets, scrolls && books that people copied most often && distributed most widely survived to the present [4].

RipZipRARLANd ( which takes its combination name from several new media terms ) is a utopian local area network inspired by experimental new media art. This gallery serves as didactic context for the works which are contained in a downloadable archive ( zip file ). The works ( themselves having been ripped from the web ) focus on critical ripping, plundering && copying.

ripped by Morgan Higby-Flowers, Nick Briz && Jon Satrom

including works by 0100101110101101.org, 0Day-Art, Ana Zhang, Craig Baldwin, Emergency Broadcast Network, Emilio Gomariz, Evan Roth, Evolution Control Committee, Geraldine Juarez, John Oswald, Negativland, Okapi, Pirates of the Amazon, Rachel Law, Recyclism && Sven Konig

[1] ripped from https://twitter.com/kg_ubu/status/414841173489225728
[2] ripped from https://vimeo.com/25380454
[3] ripped from http://www.plunderphonics.com/
[4] ripped from http://www.pcworld.com/article/248571/why_history_needs_software_piracy.html



satromizer Perl Script on Windows

I’ve had a few folks hit me up regarding using satromizer.pl on Windows. I hope that this post can help answer some questions and help folks set up an effective environment for destroying their data!

Windows doesn’t ship with Perl installed. To use satromizer.pl, you’ll first need to download and install the environment. Strawberry Perl contains all you need to run and develop perl applications. It is designed to be as close as possible to perl environment on UNIX systems.

Choose the correct version for your system, 64-bit or 32-bit and install it.


When Strawberry Perl is finished installing, you should be able to find it in your start menu. I caught it under the recently added heading…

Next you’ll need to download and extract satromizer.pl from my website. Note there are two versions. The only difference between ’em is that I added a bunch of ANSI color to the satromizer_c.pl, it’s simply purrdier and that’s what I tend to use.

Once it’s downloaded, locate it and extract the Perl file (disregard the _MACOSX garbage, that’s just Apple pooping in my ZIP). I extracted it to my Downloads folder. You may be a more organized and successful person with better file management and an Artware folder or ExperimentalScripts folder on your computer box. If so, congratulations…


From the Strawberry Perl README:

How to use Strawberry Perl?
* In the command prompt window you can:
1. run any perl script by launching
 c:\> perl c:\path\to\script.pl

It’s pretty straightforward from here… To get your glitch on, you can follow the general satromizer.pl instructions on the page or located at the beginning of this post. Happy glitching!


Hit enter and you’ll run the script without any arguments. I tend to do this to remind myself of the arguments the script needs. You’ll see ’em listed as: dirname, destination, headersize, num of ops, min chunk, max chunk, min dist, and max dist. These are explained on my website. Remember, when you are identifying your dirname (the directory with your content to glitch) and your destination (the directory where you want your glitched content to go), they need to be full file paths.


If I was to be glitching stuff inside a directory inside my Downloads folder, my command with arguments may look like this:

perl C:\Users\hp\Downloads\satromizer_c.pl C:\Users\hp\Downloads\dirname C:\Users\hp\Downloads\destination 120 10 25 75 10 500

Your command should start with “perl” and then list the path to satromizer.pl followed by the arguments–on one line with spaces between arguments.

Happy Wiznoz glitching! If you uncover something excellent or make something cool, post a link to it in the comments!

Terms of Service, AltaVista, Constant Dullaart – 1996


A never-seen-before piece by Constant Dullaart was just discovered. It has been dated as “before the turn of the century,” placing it within the most pivotal decade for net.art and, potentially, positioning it as Dullaart’s earliest new-media work on record.

Terms of Service - Alta Vista, Constant Dullaart 1996

The 1996 piece, entitled ‘Terms of Service – AltaVista,’ pre-dates Google Inc. by 2 years and Dullaart’s 2012 ‘Terms of Service’ by 16 years. The popularized ‘Terms of Service 2012’ features the Google homepage speaking updated Terms of Service. The recent discovery, ‘Terms of Service – AltaVista’ operates in nearly the exact manner–which begs the question: Are these two works the bookends of an unreleased 16 year-long ‘Terms of Service’ series by Dullaart?


In its day, AltaVista was a leading search engine, as Google is now. Will media archeologists begin unearthing Dullaart TOSs from Yahoo!, Lycos, HotBot, Ask Jeeves and/or JSTOR?

This remarkable discovery highlights the evolution of the ‘net–from an open sandbox in the 1990’s to the contemporary gated corporate playground we are now familiar with. It’s sure to catch the eye of new-media art collectors world-wide as it goes up for sale in New York City on December 14, 2013.


Net VVorth


I  recently found a tape I made a few years back. It documents the options for the Sony DCR-TRV11 HandyCam. I’ve always been a sucker for the clunky internal interfaces of visual hardware.


There’s something poetic about the language used and something impressive about how much engineers are able to (presumably, cost-effectivly) milk from consumer devices; adding aesthetic features/filters like “OLD MOVIE” and “NEG. ART.”


It’s a rather long video by today’s browsing standards. Though it’s boring, there’s something about it that I find captivating. The video appears to simply go through the features of the camera. After the simulation, I spell hopped on the just-demoed titler and wrote STAMINA, a prominent word on the main demo page promoting battery life and, incidentally, what it takes to watch the video… I like it on loop…


Related to internal interfaces of video hardware, check out the FACTORY PRESETS video by I ♡PRESETS.